Bluetooth Command Line Tools beta


Freeware 11 Oct 2011

In category

Applications in Delphi and BCB > System > Tools


Bluetooth Command Line Tools are a set of command line utilities for Windows which allow you to configure bluetooth adapter, discover remote bluetooth devices and their services, exchange files with remote devices through OBEX, associate bluetooth services with COM ports.

All utilities can be launched from a batch script or manually from the Windows command prompt.

There are following utilities in the suite:

  • btinfo - Prints information about the local bluetooth adapter
  • btconfig - Modifies friendly name, Class-of-device, discoverable and connectable states of the local bluetooth radio
  • btdiscovery - Discovers remote blueotooth devices and services
  • btpair - Performs pairing with remote bluetooth devices.
  • btobex - Pushes files to remote devices through OBEX
  • btftp - Exchanges files with remote bluetooth devices using OBEX file transfer profile.
  • btcom - Manipulates COM port assignments for remote bluetooth services.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: FW
  • Size: 3 230 410kB

Operating systems:

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP
