mm Google Translate 2012.10.31.1

By Mikhail Mishchenko

Freeware 16 Nov 2012

In category

Applications in Delphi and BCB > Text > Translators, Dictionaries


The “mm Google Translate” is something more than a simple Windows client for Google Translate Engine. This is a convenient set of modules which can be use alone or inside of your IT processes and even included in your software systems:
  • mmGTAccess.dll is Dynamic Link Library (DLL) of Win32 architecture which interacts with Google Translate Engine;
  • mmGTConsole.exe is a console application for Windows which can be used alone or in batch files;
  • mmGT.exe is a GUI application which has a intuitively clear interface and good example of software developers;
  • both mmGT.exe and mmGTConsole.exe communicate with Google Translate Engine through mmGTAccess.dll.
mmGT.exe uses mmGTAccess.dll and has very simple user interface. This program doesn’t only show how to use Google Translation Engine through mmGTAccess.dll for translate words and phrases but it demonstrates how to create multilingual user interface with great and growing number of languages. The program knows nothing about languages list in Google translate but it can show its user interface in every one of them.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: FW
  • Size: 1 158 208kB

Operating systems:

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows XP
