Logfile 2008

By Clayton Wilson

Freeware 28 May 2009

In category

Components > Tools > Debug


Non-visual class used for logging entries into a text log file. It supports the date and time as well as indenting, line numbers and sections. Include it in the USES clause and even the .dpr code can utilize the TLog component. The log file can be appended and automatically saved. There is a Name stamp allowing separate threads to be easily recognized. All log entries can be enabled and disabled. Line numbering can be turned on, off or set to a different value, and general notes can be entered into the log at any time. All of the entry stamps can be locked to disable them from updating when they are included in the TextLog entries. The TextLog StringList property itself where all the entries are stored allows the application to access the entries and TextLog with all of the routines that the StringList class has available.


  • Status: Fully functional
  • Source: FW
  • Size: 7 850kB


  • C++ Builder 6
  • Delphi 6
